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  Ansco Lancer LG

The Ansco Lancer LG was sold by Ansco in circa 1960 and manufactured by Bilora for Ansco. It is similar to the original Ansco Lancer except it featured a with an uncoupled electric "light Guide" exposure meter. The user would be able to view the exposure meter readout and adjust camera to match the meter. The camera was capable of making twelve 4x4cm exposures on standard no. 127 roll film. It was fitted with a Sconar f8 lens mounted in a two speed shutter providing 1/50th and 1/100th of a second, plus bulb. The Ansco Lancer LG was priced at $24.95 for the camera, flash unit, three flash bulbs and a roll of Ansco 127 All-Weather Pan film.

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# 2990
2015-06-24 09:41:45

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