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  Ansco V.P. Speedex No. 3

The Ansco V.P. Speedex No. 3 camera was made by Ansco in circa 1916. The camera was constructed with aluminum metal and covered in long grain leather. It was fitted with a fixed focus single anastigmat lens from one of four options including a Zeiss Tessar f4.5, a Goerz-color f4.8, an Ansco F5 , or an Ansco f6.5 lens. They were mounted in an Acme Speedex shutter providing speeds from 1/25th up to 1/300th of a second. This camera was capable of capturing exposures 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches on Ansco 4A or standard No. 120 roll film. Later models were redesigned to be slightly longer, 6 1/2 inch in length compared to 6 inch and a carrying handle was added. It was originally priced from $40 to $55 with the Zeiss being the highest priced and the Ansco f6.3 the lowest.

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# 3025
2015-07-02 10:04:04

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