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  No. 1 Ansco Junior Deluxe

The No. 1 Ansco Junior Deluxe was manufactured by Ansco of Binghamton, NY. in circa 1926. This camera was the same as the No. 1 Ansco Junior except it was covered in a rich blue leather and had lacquered brass metal trimmings. The camera captured 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inch exposures on Ansco no. 4A film or Kodak no. 120 roll film. It was automatically fixed focus when the bellows is pulled out and locked into position and by releasing the fixed focus lock it can be adjusted for close-ups or very distant views. The camera was fitted with a Anscomatic f7.9 lens and an Ilex Ansco shutter providing speeds of 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, time and bulb. The No. 1 Ansco Junior Deluxe camera was priced at $15.00.

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# 3033
2015-07-03 11:35:59

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