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  No. 2 Buster Brown

The No. 2 Buster Brown box camera was made by Ansco in circa 1906. Constructed of well seasoned wood and covered in imitation leather. Metal parts were heavily nickel plated and polished or finished in black. The camera was capable of capturing 2 1/2 x 3 1/4 inch exposures on Ansco no. 4A or with Kodak no. 120 roll film. It was fitted with a fixed focus meniscus lens and a simple time and instantaneous shutter. Three different sized diaphragm opens were also provided. Both horizontal and vertical photos can be taken with the addition of two ground glass finders. Originally priced at $2.00.

CLICK HERE for a list of Ansco Cameras.

Historic Camera Value and Rating - Estimating Overall Worth (about)

# 3047
2015-07-06 09:08:44

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