The No. 2 Ansco Special box camera was made by Ansco in circa 1926. It was similar to the No. 2 Ansco of the same time period except that it was covered in Red imitation leather and the metal parts were made of brass and highly polished. Early model No. 2 Anscos had round view finder windows. The camera was capable of capturing 2 1/2 x 3 1/4 inch exposures on Ansco no. 4A and 4B or with Kodak no. 120 roll film. It was fitted with a fixed focus meniscus achromatic lens and a simple time and instantaneous shutter. Three different sized diaphragm opens were also provided. Both horizontal and vertical photos can be taken with the two ground glass finders. Originally priced around $3.00.
Photo Courtesy of John Kratz - © Some Rights Reserved
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