The No. 2A Craftsman box camera was manufactured by Ansco in circa 1926. Described as the high-grade quality camera matching the quality of a folding type machine. Made of well seasoned wood throughout with heavily nickel plated metal trimmings and covered in leather. It was fitted with a fixed focus lens with an instantaneous shutter. The camera was capable of capturing six 2 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch exposures on Ansco no.s 6A and 6B film or equivalent Kodak no. 116 roll film. The No. 2A Craftsman camera was originally priced around $5.00.
In 1951 Ansco marketed another camera named Ansco Craftsman as a kit for young children. The same Ansco Craftsman camera was then manufactured by the Ansco factory in c1952 and sold as a fully assembled camera.
Photo Courtesy of John Kratz - © Some Rights Reserved
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