The No. 3A Ansco box camera was manufactured by Ansco of Binghamton New York, in circa 1910. It was constructed of wood with a seal grain leather covering. It was capable of capturing 3 1/4 x 5 1/2 inch negatives for six or twelve exposures on Ansco no. 18C and 18D roll film or equivalent Kodak No. 103 film. The camera featured a fixed focus meniscus achromatic lens and a time and instantaneous shutter enclosed within the box and having three different sized diaphragm openings. It featured two brilliant finders for taking horizontal or vertical pictures and two tripod sockets. This camera measured 5 1/4 x 6 3/4 x 7 1/4 and weighed 37 1/2 inches. The No. 3A Ansco box camera was originally priced at $8.00 and after a few years was reduced to $7.25.
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# 3061
2015-07-08 08:57:52
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