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  AGFA Billy Clack

The Billy Clack Camera was manufactured by the AGFA company from about 1934 to 1940. It was a strut folding camera with the lens and shutter built into the front standard. It featured a simple instantaneous shutter plus bulb. Two brilliant finders were incorporated into the design to accommodate portrait or landscape photos. Early models were covered in black leatherette. It was made in two sizes.

The Billy-Clack No. 51 is similar to the Speedex No. 51. It was capable of capturing sixteen 4.5×6 cm exposures on standard no. 120 roll film. It was fitted with a fixed focus f8.8 Igenar lens with three aperture settings f8.8, f11 and f16 and a built-in yellow filter.

The Billy-Clack No. 74 was capable of capturing eight 6×9 cm exposures on standard no. 120 roll film. It was fitted with a fixed focus f11 Bilinar achromat lens, with aperture settings for f11, f16 and f22.

CLICK HERE for a list of AGFA Cameras.

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# 3297
2017-03-28 10:33:07

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