In 1921, due to sharp competition and a desire to leverage the combined strengths of manufacturing and sales to pursue foreign and domestic trade, seven prominent British photographic and optical companies merged to form the Amalgamated Photographic Materials company (APM). The merger included the Rotary Photographic Co. Ltd, Paget Prize Plates Co. Ltd, Rajar Ltd, Marion & Co. Ltd, Marion & Foulger Ltd, A. Kershaw & Son Ltd and Kershaw Optical Co. Ltd. then later in the year of 1921, the firm took a leading shareholder position in Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co to combine the seven companies. The company was capitalized with £1,100,000 (approximately $4,400,000) with a 10 percent stake being offered to the public. In early 1929 the APM company split off the photographic product lines of Marion, Paget and Rajar divisions into a new entity called APeM Ltd (Amalgamated Photographic Equipment Manufacturers). Shortly after this rebranding, the APeM company was sold to the Ilford company.
CLICK HERE for an icon listing of Amalgamated Photographic Materials (APM & APEM)) Camera's
APM Altrex
APM Beltrex
APM Celtrex
APM Feltrex
APM Focal Plane Model A & B
APM Focal Plane Model De Luxe
APM Folding Plate Camera
APM Folding Plate Camera Model Deluxe
APM Laltrex
Rajar No.6
APM Reflex
Soho Box
Soho Junior Box
Soho Studio Camera
Soho Reflex
Vest Pocket (early)
Vest Pocket
Vest Pocket De Luxe
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2021-02-12 17:49:34
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