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  Isolette III

The Isolette III camera was manufactured by the Agfa company from 1951 to 1960. a self-erecting horizontal folding camera featuring a non-coupled ragefinder camera and two sized exposures, 6 x 6 cm and 4.5 x 6 cm on standard roll film. It was fitted with a few lens-shutter combinations including an Apotar f4.5 85mm lens in a pronto or a prontor-SV shutter or a Solinar f4.5 85mm lens in a synchro-compur shutter or a Solinar f3.5 75mm lens in a prontor-SVS or a synchro-compur shutter.

Historic Camera Value and Rating - Estimating Overall Worth (about)

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# 4133
2021-10-03 14:54:44

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