tom kowach |
Street: |
City: torrance |
State/Pov/Ter: California |
Country: United States of America |
Web site: http://historiccamera.com |
Occupation: |
Member Since: February 26, 2011 |
Last Visit: December 25, 2023 |
Me & My Photography Interest
I have been collecting for over 30 years now. I started with box cameras, then I began to focus on Rochester Optical Cameras, photo glass plates and negatives and now I mainly look for any and all information about cameras, collecting and history to share on the web.
News & Other Interests
Projects, projects and more projects. Gardening, remodeling and helping the kids learn. Also sorting through hundreds of slides and glass plate negatives.
My Wish List
I am looking for a old trade catalogs, advertisements, an original Rochester box camera, and a fun community of photo fans to share a common interest.